Little things that make me happy


Hello there!
I know that I have not been around here in a couple of weeks but I was busy with college and exams and these boring stuff. But now I am officially on holidays so I have plenty of time to plan my posts and try to do something cool. I have a few entries planned for the next weeks and I am quite excited. There will be some Christmassy posts and some others random posts. Also I am going to travel a little bit these holidays so there will be a little bit of that too...

And today I am going to talk you about the little things that make me happy or that help me to be happy. For me there is a huge difference between BEING happy and TO BE happy. In Spanish we have two words to describe the meaning of the verb 'to be' happy: Ser/Estar Feliz.
SER FELIZ would mean to be happy, in a way that you are happy with your life and in a way that you enjoy what you are doing. While ESTAR FELIZ means being happy for a period of time and it eventually ends.

The main thing that makes me the happiest is music, as it is everything for me. I would spend every single minute in my own room listening to music if I could. I also love going for a walk when its raining and listening to Birdy, Sam Smith, Bastille or Ed Sheeran.

Another thing that make me happy is spending time with my friends. These hours that you spend with your friends are just great. I laugh a lot, and I have a wonderful time, but unfortunately it ends when I get home.

As I am a very independent person I love spending time alone too in my room. And I love watching TV series. I have an obsession with them and it is my way to forget about the world and just think about nothing.

And these are the main things that make me happy. I know it is a quite improvised and random post but the good ones are yet to come. I am going to say that I am quite excited about the next post!

Thanks for reading and see you very soon!

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